Obviously, such has served the interest of a desperate Ambassador, who has been all out to cover up the embezzlement of over 25 million dollars he perpetrated while in Washington. It is unfortunate however that most Nigerians might not have been able to see the massive cover-up, which is what this noise about Emeka Ugwuonye has been.
Anyone, who cares for the truth, by merely looking at he docket entries below, would see that the court only entered what is called "Clerk's Entry of Default". For the meaning of "default judgment" see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Default_judgment.
"Default judgment is a binding judgment in favor of either party based on some failure to take action by the other party. Most often, it is a judgment in favor of a plaintiff when thedefendant has not responded to a summons or has failed to appear before a court of law. The failure to take action is the default. The default judgment is the relief requested in the party's original petition, which is why initial pleadings are often so exaggerated.
"Default can be compared to a forfeit victory in sports. In a civil trial involving damages, a default judgment will enter the amount of damages pleaded in the original complaint. If proofof damages is required, the court may schedule another hearing on that issue. A party can have a default judgment vacated, or set aside, by filing a motion, after the judgment is entered, by showing of a proper excuse."
See also: http://definitions.uslegal.com/e/entry-of-default/ (Note particularly the definition of Ckerk's entry of default).
"In law, “default” refers to the failure of a party to do something that the law required him to do. A default occurs when a person who is required to be present before the court of law for some proceedings before it, fails to appear in court.
"Entry of default refers to the process where the person making a claim in a case makes a request before a court of law stating that the party against whom they have made a claim have failed to furnish any meaningful response to the claimant’s pleadings within the time allowed for that. The court may immediately enter a judgment on the claim or may direct the claimant to file a notice of intent to take the default judgment and serve it on the unresponsive party. If the other party does not oppose the notice of intent or does not provide adequate justification for his delay or lack of response in the matter before the court, the court grants a default judgment favoring the claimant/ plaintiff. Entry of Default in the US District Courts is governed by Rule 55 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure."

As you can see, there has been steps to vacate the default judgment or appeal it. I do have a good explanation for not responding to discovery, even if that allegation were true. That explanation is that I have been bogged down in Nigeria as I have been defending cases filed by the same Nigerian Government in Nigerian courts on the same set of events. There is no way I could be here in Nigeria and there in Washington at the same time. I think that the judge simply found the entire case overwhelming and is doing her best to maintain control over this docket. But I am not in the least intimidated by these developments. In America judges are not God and this judge is not God at all. She would follow the rules of the court and the law and is bound to do justice. And she will do justice eventually. I am ultimately confident on the soundness of the American justice. I will do the needful and those who are getting unduly excited about these default judgments are either simply too naive or too mischievous to face the truth of the matter.
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